Services: Electric Procurement and Risk Management
Smart Shopping Alternative To The Calls You Get From All Those Electric Supply Telemarketers
Competition is essential in energy cost management. Some states are “deregulated”, giving companies the ability to purchase their electric supply requirements from a range of suppliers. Better rates often exist, but If you are not getting competitive bids, you are missing important opportunities to achieve optimum pricing and contractual terms.
TDI has teamed up with leading national energy procurement companies to help our clients manage their energy procurement risk.
Areas We Serve
We believe:
Let energy suppliers bid competitively for your business. Accept an immediate competitive quote. Or, better yet, allow companies to continue to bid while you wait and watch for a price you like.
Does your facilities manager shop for your energy needs? This may be a perfect thing to entrust these essential energy requirements to our procurement experts.
Our customers have seen significant savings and ease of process, freeing them up to focus on their core business.